February 7, 2018

The secret of cure insomnia quickly

living healthy: Disease insomnia will make our body health disturbed, for that we need to immediately cure insomnia. A person who is sleep deprived will increase the risk of heart disease which is the main killer disease in the world. if we are too often lack of sleep, it will disrupt the work of the hormonal system and metabolism in our body. for that this time we will tell The secret of cure insomnia quickly.

In the past, we have discussed what is the cause of insomnia, as a first step before treating. and some time ago we have also explained how, symptoms of insomnia that attack us. and for the discussion this time, as a compliment, we will discuss how to cure insomnia that is safe for the health of our body. because if a treatment is not good or have negative side effects .. what are its benefits?

How to cure insomnia certainly varies, ranging from natural, insomnia therapy, to using a kind of drug. eliminating insomnia can be practically easy but difficult. the treatment of insomnia we recommend is natural. overcome insomnia naturally, certainly will not cause bad side effects for the health of the body. for that please learn and practice, seven ways to treat insomnia below:

cure insomnia

1. Reduce the amount of caffeine consumption.
Types of drinks that contain caffeine, can make us have trouble sleeping. reduce consumption of caffeine drinks, especially before you sleep.

2. Reduce excess light.
According to medical journal records from the United States, about 39% of the country's population has trouble sleeping due to sparkling lights. reducing light bulbs can be a way of overcoming effective insomnia.

3. Choose the right decoration color.
Color decoration plays an important role in one's psychology. usually, we will feel more comfortable and calm if the room colored in accordance with the colors that we like. with a quiet psychiatric condition, then we will be able to sleep normally.

4. Do not put clock that sounded loud.
Approximately 25% of people have trouble sleeping due to noise wall clock, especially for large wall clocks with a very loud tick sound.

5. Stay away from some electronic equipment.
Some people will find it difficult to sleep due to the television, computer and mobile phone in bed. especially mobile phones can be very disturbing because when incoming messages will be mobile phone will sound. Although it is turned off, sometimes the light from the phone makes us want to see it.

6. Keep the air fresh.
Air freshness is very important in determining the quality of your sleep. dirty and polluted air is bad for sleep quality, it can even cause respiratory system disturbance for you.

7. Choose the mattress that suits you.
The mattress that does not fit, can be the cause of insomnia. A comfortable mattress is not only able to eliminate insomnia, but the comfortable mattress is also good to support the bone and prevent disruption in the back.
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February 4, 2018

Know the characteristics of symptoms of insomnia before treating

living healthy: Are you experiencing symptoms of insomnia? Insomnia is a condition when a person has trouble sleeping or cannot sleep long enough in accordance with the time required by the body. This causes the physical condition of insomniacs to be not fit enough to perform the activity the next day. for those of you who are experiencing insomnia, it is mandatory you know .. Know the characteristics of symptoms of insomnia before treating.

Symptoms of insomnia are very bad for the health of the body. you should know the cause, recognize the symptoms and how to cure it. Sleep is an unconscious state that occurs naturally so that your body can rest. You may experience four or five sleep cycles overnight. One sleep cycle lasts about 90 minutes. It starts with 4 stages of non-REM sleep consisting of deep sleep. Then proceed with REM sleep at this stage of the dream process occurs.

Sometimes the symptoms of insomnia, difficult to distinguish. it is difficult to determine the size of normal sleep because of different sleep requirements for each person. It is influenced by age, lifestyle, environment, and diet. The most common symptoms of insomnia encountered include:

symptoms of insomnia

1. Having trouble sleeping.
many people who experience insomnia will find it very difficult to sleep, especially at night.

2. Experiencing a sudden awakening.
people who experience insomnia will awaken at night or early morning and cannot sleep again.

3. Have bad conditions and feelings.
people affected by insomnia will feel tired, become angry, difficulty concentrating, and cannot perform activities well in the daytime.

4. Can not take a nap.
although the body feels very tired, usually people affected by insomnia will be very difficult to be able to take a nap.
next: secret of cure insomnia quickly
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February 2, 2018

Insomnia: know the cause, recognize the symptoms and how to cure it

living healthy: Are you having trouble sleeping at night? do you know the cause of insomnia? do you experience feelings of anxiety when going to bed? do you feel tormented by all that? how to cope cannot sleep at night? is your rest at night enough? here we will discuss Insomnia: know the cause, recognize the symptoms and how to cure it.

causes of insomnia can vary, including psychological problems, physical health problems, drug side effects, lifestyle, and comfort factors in the room. Psychological problems are often a major factor in the emergence of symptoms of insomnia, one of which is stress. Many people who sleep become annoyed because of stress. Examples of stress can vary. There is stress due to schoolwork, work, financial problems, and stress due to family and social relationships. In addition to stress, depression due to loss of the nearest person, loss of work, or loss of anything else worthwhile in his life.

causes of insomnia can also be caused by anxiety. People with anxiety will find it difficult to start sleeping. In addition, anxiety can also make a person difficult to maintain sleep, so he often woke up in the middle of the night and difficult to sleep again. anxiety can vary, among them anxious about the financial condition, the future, and anxiety in taking responsibility. Even anxiety and panic for not sleeping can make a person really can not sleep.

Some of the problems that can cause insomnia are:

causes of insomnia

1. Physical health problems
Physical health problems can cause symptoms that can make a person feel uncomfortable, so get into trouble to start sleeping.

2. Your consumption of certain medications
Many types of drugs (whether sold freely in pharmacies or must be prescribed by doctors) have side effects that can cause insomnia in people who consume them.

3. Conditions around the bed
Conditions around an uncomfortable bedroom can disrupt a person's sleep, such as room temperature that is too cold or hot, noise, and light is too bright.

4. Have a bad lifestyle
Insomnia can be triggered by certain habits or lifestyle that we live, one of which is the time of sleep is not fixed. Our sleeping time can cause circadian rhythms that function to regulate the body's metabolism to be disturbed. consuming food in large portions can also make a person difficult to sleep. Abdomen that is too full can make the body uncomfortable during sleep. consuming excessive caffeinated beverages, nicotine, and alcoholic beverages should be avoided before bedtime. Alcohol does contain a sedative that can help speed up your sleep but can not make you sleep perfectly.
*) next: symptoms of insomnia
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January 31, 2018

How to cure stomach ache naturally without risk

living healthy: In the article How to treat stomach ache we have discussed how to cure stomach ache without chemicals. in the discussion, we examine methods of relieving abdominal pain naturally. by way of natural healing, certainly will not cause side effects, for the health of our bodies. besides we can treat the pain in the stomach, our body also will not be affected by side effects of chemical drugs. and here's a continuation of How to cure stomach ache naturally without risk

How to cure stomach ache naturally, proven safe for health and without risk. Many people buy stomach ache drug, to relieve stomachache. They forget if there is a traditional way of overcoming stomach pain. Natural ingredients or ingredients proven to cure abdominal pain, treat diarrhea and relieve abdominal pain. These natural concoction stomachs relatively inexpensive and easily find around your home. So what is the best stomach ache medicine, natural and safe for us? Here's an example:

*) Abdominal pain medication from ginger
Ginger contains zingiberene and gingerol substances that efficacious relieve stomach aches caused by bacteria. Ginger can be used as a beverage to overcome when the stomach feels nauseous and bloated.

*) Abdominal pain medication from cardamom
Cardamom turned out to have benefits to warm the body. cardamom has a compound that has antibacterial properties that are useful to help relieve stomach pain.

cure stomach ache naturally

*) Abdominal pain medication from iler leaf
In addition to the ceremai leaf, a type of leaf that is efficacious to help cure stomach pain is an iler leaf. iler leaf is included in one of the rare plant species. You can take advantage of this iler leaves to overcome stomach pain.

*) Abdominal pain drug from teak tree kernel of Dutch
Dutch teak kernel is has known widely used as herbal ingredients medicine, one of them to cure stomach pain.

*) Abdominal pain medication from onion
You can use onion as an external medicine to relieve stomach ache.
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January 30, 2018

How To Eliminate Mouth Odor Smells Quickly

living healthy: Many people have bad breath problems and look for ways to Eliminate Mouth Odor quickly. they want to cope with bad breath and want to immediately cure or cure their bad breath. then how a fast, safe and practical way to treat bad breath? here we will discuss everything about How To Eliminate Mouth Odor Smells Quickly.

Bad mouth odor can be experienced by anyone, even artists though. Our habits that often consume a variety of foods such as garlic, sea fish, or rarely brushing teeth, can cause unpleasant odors in the mouth. of course this will make us want to Eliminate Mouth Odor as soon as possible.

Many ways we can do to Eliminate Mouth Odor. The easiest way is to regularly brush your teeth so that no food left behind can make the cause of bad breath. There is also a use of mouthwash to deal with bad breath quickly. But unfortunately for the long term, this method could be bad for your dental health.

How to treat bad breath naturally becomes the best alternative solution to get fresh mouth. Using natural ingredients around us has proven effective to eliminate bad breath permanently and cause no side effects. Here are some ways to get rid of bad breath quickly you can try:

Eliminate Mouth Odor

1. Diligently brushing your teeth
Brush your teeth three times a day will help remove the waste of food waste and help remove tartar teeth attached to the tooth which became one of the causes of bad breath.

2. Use betel leaf
Take some betel leaves, Soak in warm water. Water betel leaf is then we use to rinse... Do this every day.

3. Drink plenty of water
One cause of bad breath is our oral cavity in a state of dryness. especially when fasting. So do not forget to multiply drinking water to reduce bad breath.

4. Use mouthwash
Choose a mouthwash that is not too hard, so as not to interfere with dental health.

5. Use dental floss
Dental threads can help us to reach food scraps on the sidelines of teeth that can not be reached by a toothbrush. The use of dental floss will help to eliminate tartar causing bad breath.

6. Clean the tongue
The cause of bad breath is not just the result of food scraps or health problems in the teeth. one way of knowing bad breath is through a saliva test. So do not forget to clean our tongue. use a tongue-cleanser specially designed to cleanse the tongue.
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January 25, 2018

How to treat stomach ache without drugs

living healthy: Have you ever had a stomach ache? have you ever tried to treat stomach ache? almost everyone has experienced abdominal pain, with mild pain until the pain of the stomach is very painful. here we try to give easy and practical tips How to treat stomach ache without drugs.

Abdominal pain is one of the most common health problems in the community. If exposed to abdominal pain causes our activity becomes very disturbed. Especially if we run our daily work. For that, we must treat stomach ache so as not to torture and inhibit all activities we are doing.

treat stomach ache

Abdominal pain is caused by bacterial infections that enter from the food we consume. For example, the bacteria that cause stomach pain is E Colli bacteria that causes diarrhea. Abdominal pain can be caused by various causes such as eating unhygienic foods, it could be due to late feeding, ulcers, diarrhea, and others. Symptoms of abdominal pain are generally characterized by nausea, heartburn, abdominal pain, stomach feels twisted, frequent bowel movements and others. Therefore, how to treat stomach ache will also vary on everyone.

Some herbal ingredients you can use as a natural remedy to help cure stomach ache. Abdominal pain medication you can use from various traditional materials such as ginger, turmeric, red onion, and many others. For more details, you can read some natural ingredients that you can use to treat your stomach ache below:

*) Use Oralite Potion
Oralit is a traditional herb that is widely used as a natural remedy to cure stomachache like diarrhea. This traditional herb has been widely used since the first. Oralit drugs can also be used to treat diarrhea in young children.

*) Use Guava Leaf
Abdominal pain caused by diarrhea disease can also be overcome by eating herbal ingredients are guava leaves. In addition to the guava fruit is delicious, it turns guava leaf is also useful for health that is to cure diarrhea.

*) Use Leaves of Ceremai
One type of leaf that can be utilized to help relieve stomach pain is a mirror leaf. Mirror leaves have properties as an antibacterial that can kill germs or bacteria that cause stomach ache.

*) Use Turmeric
This medicinal plant is very useful to help treat stomachache is turmeric. In turmeric contains antibiotics that are useful to relieve stomachaches caused by bacteria and relieve abdominal pain in women during menstruation.

*) Use the roots of the sunflower
Some of the benefits of sunflower parts such as sunflower seeds are beneficial to prevent heart disease, sunflower is useful for overcoming headaches, and the roots of sunflower can be used to relieve stomach pain.

next page: How to cure stomach ache naturally without risk
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