living healthy: Generally we do not know the benefits of the properties of lime leaves, but it is a lot of benefits and the content contained therein. Naturally, this lime helpful for cough medicines, eliminate phlegm (mucolytics), improving the urine (diuretic) and sweat, as well as excellent in aiding digestion. The content contained in lime is Linalool, Limonene fly oils, and flavonoids, such as Poncirin, Hesperidin, Rhoifolin, and Naringin. On fruit ripe lime contains Synephrine, N-methyltyramine, Citric Acid, Calcium, Phosphorus, Iron, and Vitamin A, B1, and C. While it contains citric acid can prevent the recurrence of patients after kidney stone surgery
In terms of treatment herbal leaves and lime fruit that has a foreign term Citrus aurantifolia also doing well, with more nutritious plants, meaning the leaves and lime fruit was already widely used in traditional medicine. But many of us are less aware and lack of knowledge of the importance of natural healing, then with the hope that this review can shed some light and approach even an invitation to return to the sphere. So the positive side we are going to be more awake and preservation of nature is because many people who care and will need a variety of plant species on earth this divine
benefits orange leaves
a. Lime leaves can be used as natural larvicides to kill mosquito larvae
b. To relieve a toothache due to cavities do gargle with young lime leaves and seal the cavities with citrus leaves the shoots
c. Lime leaves are also used as an ingredient in perfume natural
d. The main benefit lime leaves are a rich aroma enhancer in cooking
