March 18, 2016

Secret Thirty-Five Benefits And Benefits Of Garlic

living healthy: The benefits of garlic not only as a spice in cooking course, there are many other things that can be utilized from Puth onions mainly to health. Plant with the Latin name Allium sativum is a plant that originated from central Asia to the height of about 50-60 cm and belongs to the family Liliaceae. Keep in mind, garlic has the optimal properties if consumed in its raw state, fresh with a clean white color. Garlic choose who the tuber is full, soft, free from damage and black spots and do not have buds

Efficacy and Nutritional content of garlic very much, but it is rarely known to the general public. Nutrient content of garlic is very high when compared to other types of onions, following a distinguished nutritional content contained in garlic

1. Rich with Vitamin C
2. Minerals containing K, Ca and K
3. Containing Fe and Vitamin B

Garlic also has properties that are no less great, including:
1. Inhibit deterioration of brain and immune system
2. Helps inhibit the aging process. Inhibit cancer cell growth
3. Consuming garlic, cancer risk can be reduced
4. Garlic is consumed regularly in a certain period can help lower cholesterol levels
5. Anti-cholesterol substances in garlic called ajoene help prevent blood clots
6. Garlic can help relieve stress, anxiety, and depression
7. With a softer effect. Garlic contains vitamin A
8. Garlic contains vitamin B
9. Garlic contains vitamin C
10. Garlic contains calcium
11. Garlic contains potassium
12. Garlic contains antioxidants. Garlic contains carotene and selenium
13. Consume 2-3 cloves of garlic a day, will avoid the possibility of heart disease
14. Cure high blood pressure
15. Relieve stomach ulcer
16. Lowering cholesterol in the blood
17. Increases blood insulin for diabetics
18. Knocking out the free radicals that disrupt the immune system
19. As an antidote (detoxifier), which protects the body from various diseases
20. Increase appetite when eaten raw
21. Maintain stamina
22. Containing antimicrobial, antithrombotic, hypolipidemic, anti-arthritis, hypoglycemic, and also has an activity as anti-tumor
23. Preventing hair loss
24. Reduce acne on the face
25. Prevent and treat flu
26. Treat skin diseases
27. Weight control
28. Healing the wounds splinters
29. Heal canker sores
30. Protects against cancer
31. Antidote
32. Treat indigestion
33. Lowering blood sugar
34. Treating toothache
35. Treating sick boil

Efficacy Garlic/td> Efficacy Garlic 1 Efficacy Garlic 2

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