living healthy: Benefits and Efficacy Red Onion for healthy, red onion has been known from ancient times as a home remedy, traditional medicine, and therefore the red onion was instrumental to the health of the body, as is the case in my area when one was attacked ulcer disease, as we know it that with warm shallot to the fire and sliced red onion and rub into the area around the ulcer.. This Benefits And Efficacy Red Onion For Health
Garlic is known to have a curative value of a bygone era (ancient times). Even the World Health Organization says that the Efficacy Red Onion good for people with less appetite, and those who suffer from atherosclerosis. Health experts acknowledge the fact that the onion does make allowances for patients who have chronic asthma, allergic bronchitis, cough and cold
Some of the Efficacy Red Onion and the amount of his or her health is:
1. Kill Germs in the MouthShallots are often used to prevent tooth decay and oral infections. Chewing raw onion for three minutes to kill all the germs in the mouth
2. Treating Heart DiseaseGarlic helps in thinning the blood, which in turn prevents red blood cells from forming clumps. This block can cause heart problems or cardiovascular disease
3. Treating AcneRed Onion juice mixed with honey or olive oil is said the best treatment for acne
4. Treating CoughConsuming onion juice and honey can relieve sore throat and cough
5. Treating Insect bitesYou can apply onion juice to reduce the pain caused due to honey bee bite. Fresh onion juice can be used for external applications for insect bites and scorpion stings
6. Add power SexOnion said to improve the drive to a healthy sexual life
7. Treating Abdominal PainGarlic has anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties that provide relief for upset stomach and related gastro syndromes
8. Overcoming Urinary DisordersFor those suffering from urination, onions can provide substantial relief. Patients should drink boiled water with 6 to 7 grams of onion
9. Prevent cancerOnions are rich in active compounds successfully inhibited growth of cancer cells
10. Treating earachefew drops of onion juice can really be proven and highly beneficial for individuals who suffer from ear pain. Voice ringing in the ears can be cured by applying onion juice with Cotto
11. Treating tumors helpspractitioners regard this as a form of treatment plants that perfect home remedy to get rid of the disease syndrome. onion consumption can help in the prevention of stomach and breast cancer
12. Treating asthmaOnions facilitate the release of sputum in patients suffering from a severe cough. Fresh onion juice is said to be applied to patients who are not aware, to bring back the strength and energy to the patient
That's a fraction of the health benefits of red onion, hopefully, this article can add your insights about the natural nutritious pla
