living healthy: Have you ever had a stomach ache? have you ever tried to treat stomach ache? almost everyone has experienced abdominal pain, with mild pain until the pain of the stomach is very painful. here we try to give easy and practical tips How to treat stomach ache without drugs.
Abdominal pain is one of the most common health problems in the community. If exposed to abdominal pain causes our activity becomes very disturbed. Especially if we run our daily work. For that, we must treat stomach ache so as not to torture and inhibit all activities we are doing.
Abdominal pain is caused by bacterial infections that enter from the food we consume. For example, the bacteria that cause stomach pain is E Colli bacteria that causes diarrhea. Abdominal pain can be caused by various causes such as eating unhygienic foods, it could be due to late feeding, ulcers, diarrhea, and others. Symptoms of abdominal pain are generally characterized by nausea, heartburn, abdominal pain, stomach feels twisted, frequent bowel movements and others. Therefore, how to treat stomach ache will also vary on everyone.
Some herbal ingredients you can use as a natural remedy to help cure stomach ache. Abdominal pain medication you can use from various traditional materials such as ginger, turmeric, red onion, and many others. For more details, you can read some natural ingredients that you can use to treat your stomach ache below:
*) Use Oralite Potion
Oralit is a traditional herb that is widely used as a natural remedy to cure stomachache like diarrhea. This traditional herb has been widely used since the first. Oralit drugs can also be used to treat diarrhea in young children.
*) Use Guava Leaf
Abdominal pain caused by diarrhea disease can also be overcome by eating herbal ingredients are guava leaves. In addition to the guava fruit is delicious, it turns guava leaf is also useful for health that is to cure diarrhea.
*) Use Leaves of Ceremai
One type of leaf that can be utilized to help relieve stomach pain is a mirror leaf. Mirror leaves have properties as an antibacterial that can kill germs or bacteria that cause stomach ache.
*) Use Turmeric
This medicinal plant is very useful to help treat stomachache is turmeric. In turmeric contains antibiotics that are useful to relieve stomachaches caused by bacteria and relieve abdominal pain in women during menstruation.
*) Use the roots of the sunflower
Some of the benefits of sunflower parts such as sunflower seeds are beneficial to prevent heart disease, sunflower is useful for overcoming headaches, and the roots of sunflower can be used to relieve stomach pain.
next page: How to cure stomach ache naturally without risk
Abdominal pain is one of the most common health problems in the community. If exposed to abdominal pain causes our activity becomes very disturbed. Especially if we run our daily work. For that, we must treat stomach ache so as not to torture and inhibit all activities we are doing.

Abdominal pain is caused by bacterial infections that enter from the food we consume. For example, the bacteria that cause stomach pain is E Colli bacteria that causes diarrhea. Abdominal pain can be caused by various causes such as eating unhygienic foods, it could be due to late feeding, ulcers, diarrhea, and others. Symptoms of abdominal pain are generally characterized by nausea, heartburn, abdominal pain, stomach feels twisted, frequent bowel movements and others. Therefore, how to treat stomach ache will also vary on everyone.
Some herbal ingredients you can use as a natural remedy to help cure stomach ache. Abdominal pain medication you can use from various traditional materials such as ginger, turmeric, red onion, and many others. For more details, you can read some natural ingredients that you can use to treat your stomach ache below:
*) Use Oralite Potion
Oralit is a traditional herb that is widely used as a natural remedy to cure stomachache like diarrhea. This traditional herb has been widely used since the first. Oralit drugs can also be used to treat diarrhea in young children.
*) Use Guava Leaf
Abdominal pain caused by diarrhea disease can also be overcome by eating herbal ingredients are guava leaves. In addition to the guava fruit is delicious, it turns guava leaf is also useful for health that is to cure diarrhea.
*) Use Leaves of Ceremai
One type of leaf that can be utilized to help relieve stomach pain is a mirror leaf. Mirror leaves have properties as an antibacterial that can kill germs or bacteria that cause stomach ache.
*) Use Turmeric
This medicinal plant is very useful to help treat stomachache is turmeric. In turmeric contains antibiotics that are useful to relieve stomachaches caused by bacteria and relieve abdominal pain in women during menstruation.
*) Use the roots of the sunflower
Some of the benefits of sunflower parts such as sunflower seeds are beneficial to prevent heart disease, sunflower is useful for overcoming headaches, and the roots of sunflower can be used to relieve stomach pain.
next page: How to cure stomach ache naturally without risk