living healthy: Many cases found someone especially at a young age, experiencing acne problems. Then what exactly do the Causes of Acne show up? how do acne symptoms attack? how to overcome or treat acne? Here we will discuss thoroughly all the problems of acne, so you will better understand what is acne and the easiest way, Recognize the Causes Of Acne, Symptoms, And Treatment.
Cause Of Acne can occur when the hair follicle is blocked by mixing dead skin cells, dirt, and sebum (substances produced by oil glands that help prevent dryness of the skin). Then, there can be bacterial infections that cause inflammation in the blockage area that can eventually trigger acne appears.
Before ten natural ways to treat acne, Some factors that can trigger or increase the risk Cause Of Acne, including:
*) Entering puberty.
This is usually experienced by many teenagers. At puberty, sebum production by the oil glands will increase along with the high production of testosterone. And sometimes, the production of sebum exceeds the normal quantity required by the skin.
*) Experiencing hormonal changes.
It is strongly suspected that acne that occurs in adults is caused by changes in hormone levels. of the many cases of acne in adults, occurs in women, because women are more likely to experience hormonal changes at certain times, namely when menstruating and pregnancy. Acne often appears in some women before the menstrual period. Whereas in pregnant women, acne usually appears in the first three months of pregnancy.
*) Irritation due to the object used.
Acne spots can also appear due to friction or pressure from the material we use on the skin constantly. For example, spots that appear on the forehead from too often wearing a headband or hat and spots on the back body due to routine wearing a backpack.
*) Too much smoking and stress.
Too much smoking and stress can trigger acne to appear.
*) Lack of sleep.
People who sleep fewer nights or stay up till the morning, are usually prone to acne.
*) Rarely wash your face.
If you often drive mainly use a motorcycle, try before bed you wash your face first. so that the rest of the dirt and dust that stuck to the face, lost and the face returned clean.
*) Affected by side effects of drugs.
This usually happens if you take lithium, steroid, and antiepileptic drugs. Vitamins B2, B6, and B12 supplements can also cause acne-like side effects.
*) Hereditary factors.
If you have parents who have problems with acne, then you are also at great risk of experiencing the same thing.
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